
5класс. План-конспект.

Темаурока «Is Big Ben a tower or not a tower?»

Тип урока: урок открытия новых знаний.

Цель: формирование представления о достопримечательностях Англии: Биг Бэн – это башня или колокол?


Практическая: научить учащихся принять и прожить проблему урока через себя. Сопоставить возможности и внутренние ощущения в реальном языковом пространстве.

Образовательная: введение лексико-грамматического материала по теме. Расширить общую языковую культуру выражения мыслей. Развитие памяти, воображения, логического мышления. Активизация лексических единиц, тренировка коммуникативных навыков, монологической и диалогической речи через театрализацию.

Воспитательная: воспитание уважения и интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Умение слушать собеседника

Развивающая: повышение мотивации к самообучению. Реализация креативного потенциала, повышение личной самооценки; расширение кругозора и языковой интуиции; умение работать в команде.

Планируемые результаты урока:

Предметный: формирование языковых навыков (фонетический и лексический).

Метапредметный: самостоятельное определение цели своего обучения; соотношение своих действий с планируемыми результатами; организация учебного сотрудничества.

Личностный: развитие мотивации учебной деятельности и формирование сотрудничества.

Ресурсы: учебник, мультимедийная презентация, наглядный дидактический материал (фотографии предметов, интеллектуальные карты, рисунок башни с колоколом, напечатанный опорный текст с вопросами,карточки самооценивания, жетоны в виде лайк), ширма, кукольные игрушки Маша и медведь, минусовка мелодии в стиле Хип Хоп.

Ход урока

Дети разделены на 2 команды, по выбору двух цветов. Лайк желтого и зеленого цвета.

I.                   Warming up:

Good morning children! I’m glad to see you today!How are today?

Let me introduce about myself. My name is Elvira Michailovna. I’m a teacher of English in a secondary school of Ust-Koksa. (слайд 1). I go to school every day and I love my school very much. Do you like your school?

Unfortunately, I don’t know about you.

Well, I’d like to know common interests about you and me. What you like and me is called Common interests. That means we are friends or team. I want you to be really team during our lesson. You will be yellow smiles and you’ll be green smiles. That’s try to find out. Can you guess , what is the sign here?

Do you have accounts, social netsYes, we use it in VK or Instagram. I ask you a question, if you like do it, you say “I like”, if you do not like “I dislike”, ok?

1.      Do you like to listen to music?

2.      Do like to read books?

3.      Do you like to sleep?

4.      Do you like to travel?

5.      Do you like to play computer games? As Minecraft or treasure’s hunter.

Nice, we have a lot in common. Well, you know the game Quest?(слайд 2)

Yes, it is a computer quest game. The main idea is trying to find a key in the room.But we will play this game in a real room.Let’s imagine you are in a computer game. Use imagination. Close your eyes. Imagine it is happening something. 1, 2, 3, open your eyes. Something has changed in the room, but you don’t know what these changes)))

Ok, you should find this key. Do you know the word key? Yes, - ключ.

1.      I don’t use this thing, but you use it. Even our guests use it. Well, it’s furniture.

Yes, it’s achair. So the first heat is under one of your chairs. Look under your chairs.Super , this money.

One child comes to the board.

2.      Show slide 3. Apple, mouse, window. What device do we have here in this room? In common. We can’t live without it.

Yes, it’s computer. Come here to computer and try to find one paper.

Well, what object do we have now? Yes, this is plane)))

3.      Show slide 4. Read please these words. “sofa, bed, table, armchair”. What is the odd word here? One extra? Can we sit on the table? Of course, not!)))

Yes, this is table. But this is the boss’s table. Yes come to the table and find a thing. What is it? Yes, this is city. London with beautiful Big Ben.


Well, we’ve got a lot of money, the plane and the city London.

Now try to guess, what are we going to speak about? Money, why do we use it? To buy everything you want. Why do we use plane? To have a chance to fly by plane to Moscow, London or go on travelling.

What are we going to speak about during our lesson?

About travelling to London, but we can’t see all landmarks of London during our lesson. You see this tall and beautiful building?

Yes, this is a tower, what’s the name of it? Yes, Big Ben.

But really, there is an interesting question “Is B.B. a tower or not a tower?”

Ok, gyes, you may take your sits. The theme of our lesson is question “Is BB a tower or not a tower?”.But to solve this problem we should find some ways, which help us to overcome.

Children, your variants, ideas?

1.      Search for the information from the text

2.      Work with unknown words.

II.                The solving of problems:

To begin with, you get estimating cards (листсамооценки). Here you have numbers of tasks and smiles. Well, look at me please. If your team gets 3 smiles, you get “5” mark. If your team gets 2 smiles, you get “4” marks. And if 1 smile, - “3” mark.

Well, Open your books, page 81. Here is the text. Look through at the text.

And also I give unknown words and pictures. Your task is to match the words with the pictures. You can use the text from the book. And trydoing it sa fast sa you can. I give you 2 minutes.

The time is up. Let’s check? Two teams come to the board, please. Connect the words with the pictures, do it correctly. Which team is the fastest team? Begin.

Cool teams!!! I think you get wonderful smiles for your work.


Физминутка в стиле хип хор.

Well, and I see, you like dancing too! Do you like Hip Hop singers? This like: 1, 2, 3, 4.

First of all look at the presentation.

There are words, you have already learnt. Repeat after me

Tourists, London

Tower, clock.

the bell, Big Ben and

Benjamin Hall.

4, 3, 7 and 14 tons

Amazing attraction, to London go.

   Cool children! Well, by the time we aresearching the right information about BB. You know students, I think the guides can help us to solve our problem. Who wants to go to the board?

Ставитсяширма, выходят 2 ученика.

Now we have 2 unusual guides.2 friends Russian Masha and English bear. They are very good friends. And they know English and Russian very brilliantly.Well, you should present this text with the help of characters Masha and Bear. Please, show us voice, emotion, character of Masha and Bear.The rest of class watch and listen to it very attentively. Then Masha and Bear will ask some questions about BB.

Показ драматизации. Задают вопросы. В конце Маша и медведь открывают башню и показывают колокол.

Yes, this is a big and heavy bell of England. It’s name comes from the bell’s commissioner of work Sir Benjamin Hall. Ben is his short name, the ward big means a large bell. That’s why Big Ben became his nickname and the name of the bell.

Well, and now let’s watch the video about BB in a real life.

Did we decide our question?

Please count your smiles. And say what is your mark?

Now I present you russian calendars with tower Kremlin. Espacialy for you that you remember about our russuian landmarks. Look you have home task . there are 2 tasks and You must do one of these home work.

1.ex.5 page 81. Using the plan, collect the information about Kremlin

2. do the scrabble using the words from the text on p.81